Problem with custom paper icc profiles

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Problem with custom paper icc profiles

Post by uliw »

Hi there,

I recently run into an odd problem with custom icc profiles. I've used these quite happily for several years, and all was fine. After a recent hardware upgrade I had to reinstall TP and re-import my icc profiles for my print media.

Ever since, saturation levels of the prints are way to light. I initially suspected the printer, or problems with the color space setup. However prints on the standard media are just fine. I'd appreciate any hints how to get to the bottom of this.

FYI: Current TP version is 2.25, used on OpenSuse 12.3 (64bit). Previously used successfully on 12.2. I print on a HP Photosmart Pro 9180. Images are printed directly from Aftershotpro, using Kodaks Pro RGB colorspace. The icc profiles where measured by Zedonet.
I've deleted and re-imported the profile in question, but to no avail.


Uli Wortmann
Site Admin
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Joined: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:02 am

Re: Problem with custom paper icc profiles

Post by zedonet »


you could send a .tgz archive of the directory /usr/share/turboprint/profiles so that I can check if your profiles were imported properly.
Please send to mail (at) zedonet (dot) de
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