turboprint daemon not running

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turboprint daemon not running

Post by grahamh »

I'm running TP2 on ubuntu 8.10 and a license key for a Canon Pixma ip4500. I can print a test page, but can't check ink levels etc. TP Monitor says that the printer daemon is not running. I trued sudo cupsd in terminal, bit no change. Any ideas?

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Post by zedonet »

If turboprint daemon is not running directly after installation of TurboPrint, it should be running after a Linux reboot.

You can also try to start it manually by entering

sudo /etc/init.d/tpdaemon start

in a terminal window.
Please let me know if an error is reported and if TurboPrint Monitor still shows "turboprint daemon not running".
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found a solution

Post by grahamh »

Thanks. I manually started the daemon (though the folder is 'init.d' rather than just 'init'). The problem arose because there are two drivers in the driver file - one for 'Canon pixma ip4500' and another for 'Pixma ip4500_series'. The OS had automatically made the former the default. I changed the default setting to the latter one and TP monitor reacted immediately, giving a 'low ink' warning. However the driver configuration n TP Control Centre had to be manually edited so that I could request ink level and usage stats. Thanks for you help!

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Turboprint daemon not running

Post by wepsmiller »

I am running trial version TP with Ubuntu 8.04. When I first installed it seemed to work, but now when I try to check ink level I get the daemon not running message. I try to manually start in terminal, and get message "TurboPrint daemon started" but I still get the not running message when I try to check ink level.

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Post by zedonet »

Hello wepsmiller,

I am not sure why the TurboPrint daemon is not running on your system.
Is the message "daemon not running" displayed in the TurboPrint Monitor?
Could you try to start the daemon from command line with the following command (this time directly, not via init script):

sudo /usr/bin/tprintdaemon 3

Do you get any error messages printed in the command line window?

If you have a TurboPrint Monitor windows on the screen you should see that the "not running" message disappears immediately (if tprintdaemon starts).
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Turboprint daemon not running

Post by Gewitty »

I'm currently using Ubuntu 9.04 and am experiencing the same problem. I can start the daemon manually from the command line, but can see no reason why it doesn't run automatically.
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Post by wepsmiller »

Turboprint Monitor displayed "ERROR - No connection to turboprint "daemon. Unable to start manually although I would get the message "TurboPint daemon started" in the terminal.

I uninstalled and reinstalled TP and it seems to be working correctly now. Uninstall was messy and required some cleanup afterward, but everything seems to be back to normal.

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Post by Stewart »

I recently upgraded from 2.06 to 2.15-1 and now have the same problem with the daemon script.

/etc/rc.d# /etc/init.d/tpdaemon start
TurboPrint daemon started
/etc/rc.d# resize: unknown character, exiting.
5: Command not found.
80R: Command not found.

# /etc/init.d/tpdaemon status
TurboPrint daemon is not running

So I get the same message that it thinks it started, but it did Not.
Asking status confirms it did not load, and of course it does not show up in the process list and TP Monitor gives the error daemon is not started, and no ink levels. etc.

But after reading this thread, I tried the following:

# /usr/bin/tprintdaemon 3
TP-Daemon Version 2.15
Debug Level set to 3

# /etc/init.d/tpdaemon status
TurboPrint daemon is running, pid=5843

So I could see no error messages, but setting debug level to 3 and loading directly seems to get around the problem.

Also, it acts like something is sending out an ESC character, but when I search /etc/init.d/tpdaemon for 0x1b, I find zero matches.

Last edited by Stewart on Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stewart »

Upon testing further, I find the problem is on line# 61 of /etc/init.d/tpdaemon (and the other similar lines...) where the command su -s is given.

The version of su I have is 2005 on one machine, and 1999 on this machine.
These older versions of su do not understand -s
so it passes it on to bash, where
commands are read from the standard input.
Thus it never starts tpdaemon, but it does trigger an interactive shell mode that somehow activates the resize program.
Then it runs the next line, echo the text that it did start.

The solution is to Remove the two arguments -s /bin/sh
and now it works for me. :D

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Post by zedonet »


the option "-s /bin/sh" has been added because on some Linux systems there is no default shell for user "lp" ("sys", ...), so the su command fails.

It is no problem to remove "-s /bin/sh".
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Re: turboprint daemon not running

Post by matthewcarey »

This is affecting me at present.

Suse 12.2 64 bit running TP-Daemon 2.16.2

This command does not return and the daemon is not running:

matthew@peckham:~> sudo /etc/init.d/tpdaemon start
matthew's password:
TurboPrint daemon started
matthew@peckham:~> TP-Daemon Version 2.16-2
Debug Level set to 0

Meanwhile /var/log/messages gets this:
Jun 24 15:18:31 peckham TUSB_Daemon: TP-Daemon already installed...quitting

The printer is plugged in and the OS can see the usb printer's interface

Cannon Pixma i5200 printer

This all used to run swimmingly up until now.
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Re: turboprint daemon not running

Post by matthewcarey »

I managed to get it working.

I set the daemon not to restart automatically on booting (in yast).

Rebooted the computer.

Started it manually (from yast).

The turbo print monitor could talk to it and the printer works fine.
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