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Printer in windows doesn't print

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:46 am
by pixol

If I print normal it works. but when I want to print with the printfab.
a window(printfab printjob preview) apears and then i push print, and nothing happens.


Re: Printer in windows doesn't print

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:43 pm
by zedonet

we had already contact by phone and email and I suggested the following:

Change the connection type in the PrintFab printer setup application from "already set up" to "network printer".

"Already set up" means that the print job is redirected to an existing print queue which is not always reliable.
"Network printer" means that the print job goes directly to the printer.

Please find out the printer's network address at the printer's fron panel, "Wi-Fi/Network Status":

1. Press the home button, if necessary.
2. Press the setup button.
3. Select Network Status.
4. Select Wi-Fi/Network Status.
5. Scroll down to "IP Address"

It should be a combination of 4 numbers separated by dots, like "".

Then add your printer in the PrintFab application, select "Network printer", connection = "Network printer LPD" and enter the IP address in the field "Printer / print server" (see attached screenshot), "Print queue" can be left empty.

printfab-win-printersetup-netzwork.png (13.83 KiB) Viewed 3570 times

Please let me know if this helps.